Day 5 : File Permissions and Access Control Lists.

Day 5 : File Permissions and Access Control Lists.


1 min read

The concept of Linux File permission and ownership is important in Linux. Here, we will be working on Linux permissions and ownership and will do tasks on both of them. Let us start with the Permissions.

Create a simple file and do ls -ltr to see the details of the files

changing the permission of the Sample.txt file from 664 to 777.

similarly, we can able to change the access of the group.

create a group.

change the group from Ubuntu to Anand.

Access Control Lists (ACL):

ACL can be applied to files and directories, and it provides additional entries beyond the standard user, group, and others.

using getfacl command is used to display ACLs for a file or directory.

using setfacl to modify ACLs:

The setfacl command is used to set or modify ACL entries for a files or directory. You can add, remove or modify the ACLs.

Linux file permissions are an essential aspect of the operating system that allows you to control access to files and directories.

see you on Day 6.....๐Ÿ˜Š!!!!!
